As a strand in its ongoing research project into cultures and ecologies of translation, the Ecologies of Style reading group will be reviewing recent on work on the postics of style broadly understood, with a particular interest in ways whcih new emphases on ecology are shifting traditional understandings of the forms and politics of style.The reading group is convened by Dr. Drew Milne (University of Cambridge) and Dr Gareth Farmer (University of Bedfordshire), under the auspices of the Judith E Wilson Centre for Poetics.

The first session will meet in I4, Corpus Christi College, Trumpington Street, Cambridge. Friday 8th November, 1.30 – 3.00. For the first session, we will be discussing: Jeff Dolven, Senses of Style: Poetry before interpretation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), pp. vii-37.
The reading group is open to all interested doctoral students, post-docs and Faculty.
If you would like to participate, please contact: Dr Drew Milne, <agm33@cam.ac.uk>.

‘An algorithm is automated human “style,” in the very broad sense in which phenomenology means it. Style is one’s overall appearance, not just the parts of which you’re in control; not a choice (certainly not a fashion choice), but the mode in which one appears, and not just in a visual sense, but in all physical (and other) senses.’ Timothy Morton, Humankind: Solidarity with Non-Human People (London: Verso, 2017)