Poetry Reading featuring Sabeen Chaudhry and Ian Patterson
Sponsored by the Judith E Wilson Centre for Poetry & Poetics, University of Cambridge, and Blackbox Manifold poetry journal
When & where: Weds 8th May 2024, 7:00pm – 8:15pm in the J. E. Wilson Drama Studio, Faculty of English, 9 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DP.
Free and open to all!
Contact for Enquiries: Alex Houen, email <ah217@cam.ac.uk>
Sabeen Chaudhry is a poet, producer and researcher. Her poems have been published in magazines such as Gutter, SPAM and Ludd Gang. She regularly collaborates with artists, most recently for Singapore Biennale, and with collectives like Foreign Objekt and DEMO Moving Image. She also co-edits Deleuzine. Rimming the Event Horizon is her first collection.
Ian Patterson, bookseller, translator, editor, retired academic, taught English at Queens’ College, Cambridge until 2018. Publications include Finding Time Again (the translation of Proust’s Le temps retrouvĂ©, Penguin, 2004) and Guernica and Total War (Profile/Harvard,2007). He lives in Suffolk.