Erik Lindner

Poetry Reading by Dutch poet Erik Lindner    

18.30   Tuesday 21 May

Judith E Wilson Drama Studio, Faculty of English, 9 West Road, Cambridge

Erik Lindner is a leading Dutch poet whose book Words are the Worst (Vehicule Press / Signal Editions, 2021, translated by Francis R. Jones) was nominated for the Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry in 2022.

A poet, novelist and literary critic, he has published five collections of poetry since 1996.

His work has been translated into English, French, German and Italian.

His very distinctive poetry characteristically involves a process of registration that expands from small details into a series of unexpected transformations.  As the Dutch poet Jan Baeke has put it: ‘Lindner’s poetry evokes a reality which in its seeming triviality brings to light all sorts of wonderful, intangible facets.’

The reading will be in Dutch with English Translations.